This is in continuation of my blogpost No. 197 Click here to go to post No. 197 at this blog. I have, in #197 expressed a feeling that Ravana's Lanka might have existed on the Southern banks of River Narmada. I must, again, clarify that it is only some guesswork, which can be changed when new evidence is traced. Today, I have received an impetus from one Telugu TV Channel Mojo TV which has been for the last few days telecasting series of anchor-orated videos about Ravana's Airport, with a question of something like "Whether Hanuman destroyed the airports and other air-facilities of Ravana", who had a reputation of having abducted Sita on a spacious Pushpaka Aircraft which so elastic that it could accommodate millions of monkeys who formed Shri Rama's Army.

Most history writers depend on and accept only stone inscriptions, copper plates, palm-leaf inscriptions as acceptable evidence for history writing. This may probably be the reason for the Archaeological Survey of India's inability to confirm before the Supreme Court about the historicity of Ramayana, and the existence of Rama Setu. While it is true that mythology and legends alone cannot be accepted as sole base for writing history, I, prima facie believe that there may not be anything wrong in trying to trace at least some elements which will help us to identify some snippets, and to gauge possibilities and probabilities.
Recapitulating from our previous blog-posts, my readers can recall that:
I have identified the entire Central India from Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh border (Kota-Indore-Khandwa) on the East to the MP's adjacent areas with Jharkhand, Chattisgadh, and Orissa on the East side.
If we accept Phaizabad Ayodhya as real Ayodhya, the Sagar District of Madhya Pradesh, Chitakoot, other areas of Satna-Katni-Jabalpur belt such as Maihar will become the Northern border of Ravana's Empire.
Almost all the hills and mountains between Satpuras (Maharasthra) & Narmada River, to Aravali in Rajasthan, Sagar-Chitrakoot-Satna-Katni etc., particularly Vindhyachal-Mirzapur on UP MP Border on North, Jharkhand-Orissa-Chattisgadh on East become the Vindhya Mountain area. The principal Rivers in Vindhyas are Narmada and Tapati. Definitely not Godavari.
In the previous blog posts, I identified Eastern side areas of Chitrakoot Mirzapur-Vindhyachal which is on the banks of Ganga River as possible Kishkindha. I have ruled out the Pampa Lake of Hampi, and the Pampa of Sabarimalai surroundings in Kerala as Kishkindhas.
So far, we have ignored the importance of "Khara and DushaNa" and their 14,000 strong Army which was probably entrusted by Ravana with the task of defending the Central Indian Forest. I have already given one Valmiki Ramayana verse which clearly indicated that Ravana's Pushpaka aircraft was nothing but a donkey-driven cart. That meant, that Ravana himself was living within about 50-100 kms. radius of Panchavati from where Sita was abducted. From this, the inference is that Ravana's Lanka is in Central India only.
Now, the main question we get is "Is it in Western MP? or is it in Eastern MP/Chattisgadh?".
Readers may recall that Late Sankalia, a renowned historian (I read somewhere) opined that Ravana's Lanka existed in Chota Nagpur Region i.e. Jharkhand-Bengal border, on the South side of Ganga River. Even now, I am not ruling that out. Reasons: 1. There are reasons to believe that Ayodhya itself was in Bihar-Vaishali-Hajipur on the NOrth bank of Ganga. 2. The Forest of Tataka where Shri Rama slayed her is in West Bihar. Sita Marhi, Sitamarhi a District in N.Bihar is regarded as Sita's Birthplace. North to it, there is a District in Bihar, named after SAge Valmiki. Mithila and Nepal are also North to Tataka forest, Sitamarhi, and ValmikiNagar.
I have also pointed out that a Castle in an Island of Ganga River between Hajipur (Bihar) and Bhagalpur (Jharkhand) could be the Sea which Hanuman leapt. Between Bhagalpur and Baidyanath Temple, there are Trikoota Mountains which are associated with Lanka. Readers also know about Ravana carrying Atma-linga (Soul) of Lord Shiva to Baidyanath. (There is another story of this type associated with Gokarna on Konkan coast of Maharashtra).
We have thee types of Ikshvakus. 1. UP Ikshvakus. 2. Bihar (Lichchavi-Vaishali) Ikshvakus. 3. Their migratant clan which ruled Vijayavada of Andhra Pradesh , after Shatavahanas. Hence, entire Ikshvaku Ramayana taking place in Bihar-Jharkand-Orissa cannot be ruled out.
Gist: I am not ruling out Late Sankalia's opinion.
Khara and Dushana were Ravana's Lieutenants/feudates ruling Dandaka Forest (Central India)
Why we cannot rule out Kota-Indore-Ujjain Area?
1. Mandsaur (recall: Mandsaur Farmers' agitation during BJP Rule just before 2018 Assembly Elections). Mandsaur is believed to be Mandodari's birth place. There is reported to be a horizontally inclining Ravana's statue in Mandsaur.
"sAgar" means Sea. Shri Rama's dynasty believed that Sea was dug by their predecessor Emperor "Sagara". This, prima facie, is impossible. Hence, "SAgar" can be some very huge tank/lake between Jhansi and Bhopal, some where in the Sagar District, on the west side of Chitrakoot.
Ravana's Commanders Khara and Dushana had an Army of 14,000 soldiers, whom Shri Rama and Lakshmana, we faithfully believe destroying single-handedly with bows and arrows.
Where were these 14000 soldiers living? Were they living under trees or in stone/brick barracks? Therefore, it is important to trace some villages which might have been named on their Commanders' names Khara and Dushana. Khara means a fool / wicked person / a donkey. Dushana means an abuse, or probably a person who abuses. These abusive names might have been given by Temple preachers, because enemies are to be abused.
Khargone District in West Madhya Pradesh
As Khargone Dt. is not far away, Mandsaur, Khargone could have been the Village of Commanders Khara and Dushana. Just by one name, we cannot conclude. But we can keep in our mind.
This is in the Southwest direction of Chitrakoot and our Mirzapur-Vindhyachal Kishkindha.
From Kishkindha, we can recall the Ramayana's story. Shri Rama moved southwards. This can be Southwest or SouthEast. If it were, Southwest, at Khargone he might have encountered Khara and Dushana and killed their 14000 soldiers.
Suppose, it was Southeast?
Then, please above Google map. We have Anuppur District on the border between MP and Chattisgadh. 37 kms. south to it, we have Khartola (also spelt Khartoola) village. This could have been the Village of Khara.
In the above map of Khartola, on the NW side, see the word "lohAsur".
LOhAsur is the village on the NW side of Khartola. "LOha" means "iron". "Asur" means a person of "asura" tribe/community. According to mythology, "asurAs" are not "surAs" i.e. not Gods. They are treated as demons. But they are only a Community. This community is even today alive in Jharkhand. These 'asura' community persons are very skilled in making iron tools and articles. Those iron articles include iron knives, swords, shields, chests, etc. Now, compare this to description of Lanka Ravana's Fort in Valmiki Ramayana. The Fort's walls and towers are equipped with "stone-hurling machines". (In those days there were no mortors or explosives). Only, stones used to be hurled on the enemy armies. In Khartola, Khara and Dushana too as Commanders might have helped Ravana by supplying weapons and machines made by the "LohAsurs" from Lohasur village.
How can you bolster this idea?
Now, please go to my post No. 136, made on 23rd April 2012 (seven years back!!!). Link: Click here to go to http://ramayanayb.blogspot.com/search/label/136.
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