The very second day of the first year in the forest, Rama revealed his mind to Lakshmana. 2-53-8. Orphaned, aged, deprived of help from me, fallen in the control and grip of Kaikeeyi, what the lustful soul (kaama aatma) will do (kim karishyati)?
Ayodhya Kanda
Chapter 53
Anaathaha caiva vruddhaha ca
mayaa caiva vinaakrutaha
kim karishyati kaama aatmaa
Kaikeeyyaa vasham aagataha.
The very second day of the first year in the forest, Rama revealed his mind to Lakshmana.
Orphaned, aged, deprived of help from me, fallen in the control and grip of Kaikeeyi, what the lustful soul (kaama aatma) will do (kim karishyati)? Oh Lakshmana! Howsoever deluded a person may be under the guile of a woman, which man will at his will and pleasure shed (or throw out or abandon) a son like me? Whoever sheds his goals of duty and prosperity/wealth and follows the path of lust will fast fall in danger, like the king Dasaratha.
Koo hi avidvaan api pumaan
pramadaayaaha krutee tyajeet
chanda anuvartinam putram
taataha maam iva Lakshman`a!
Rama was opening out his heart to Lakshmana.
Oh Lakshmana! Howsoever deluded a person may be under the guile of a woman, which man will at his will and pleasure shed (or throw out or abandon) a son like me?
Ayodhya Kanda
Chapter 53
artha dharmau parityajya
yah kaamam anuvartate
eevam aapadyatee kshipram
raajaa Dasharatho yathaa.
Whoever sheds his goals of duty and prosperity/wealth and follows the path of lust will fast fall in danger, like the king Dasaratha.
Rama envies his brother Bharata.
Sukhii bata sa bhaaryaha ca
Bharataha Kekayii sutaha
muditaan Kosalaan eeko
yo bhokshyati adhiraajavat.
Alas! Bharata alone with his wife ("sa bhaarya") will be happy and comfortable enjoying the prosperous kingdom of Kosala.
Ayodhya Kanda
Chapter 53
Sa hi sarvasya raajyasya mukham ekam bhavishyati
taate ca vayasaa atiite mayi ca aran`yam aashritee.
He alone will be the sole monarch of the entire kingdom. Father is retired. I am living in the forests.
The general impression is that Rama went to forests on a 14 year exile, joyfully. In Ayodhya, he gave an impression that he was executing his father's command and leaving for the forests joyfully.
If Rama has voluntarily abdicated his right to kingdom, in favour of Bharata, why all these lamentations now? Cursing his own father as lustful! Is he regreting his decision! Did he leave Ayodhya under duress!
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